The Foundation shares its Top 10 of 2014! What were YOUR favorites?
Dear friend,
It’s a busy time of year and we understand you have celebrations and resolutions to finalize!
With that in mind, we’re forgoing our popular Friday Facts to bring you an early release: As 2014 winds down, we’ve taken a look back at the year’s informative commentaries, videos, tweets and Facebook shares from the Georgia Public Policy Foundation. Here, for your reviewing pleasure, is a countdown of our Top 10 most popular works and Top 10 videos.
10. Atlanta’s Icy Logjam a Beacon of Hope for The Future
9. Concierge Primary Care for the Little Guy!
8. Getting Smart on Crime Puts Georgia Ahead
7. Nine Reasons to Question Medicaid Expansion
6. Hundreds Lose Their Georgia Tax Credit Scholarships
5. Guide to the Issues: A Patient-Centered Approach to the Uninsured
4. Guide to the Issues: Common Core
3. Analyzing Education Spending
2. The Truth Behind the ‘Staffing Surge’ in Georgia Public Schools
1. Georgia Public Policy Foundation Friday Facts
10. Great American Achievers: Sunny Park
9. Great American Achievers: Noel Khalil
8. Great American Achievers: Lisa Kelly
7. How did Georgia Tech Create A $7,000 Master’s Degree?
6. Getting Georgia Moving: Baruch Feigenbaum
5. Getting Georgia Moving: Kelly McCutchen
4. Gordon Beckham’s Tribute to Hank McCamish, Founder of the Georgia Public Policy Foundation
3. HB1: Private Citizen Leo Payne
2. Moise Brutus: His Inspirational Comeback Story
1. Larry Reed: “The Seven Principles of Sound Public Policy”
What do you think? What were your favorites? Share them with us at or on our Facebook page, at
As always, the Georgia Public Policy Foundation would like to thank you for your support and wish you a happy and prosperous New Year!
Kelly McCutchen and Benita Dodd
P.S: We look forward to seeing you on January 21, 2015, at our first Leadership Breakfast, “School Choice: The Next Frontier,” to celebrate National School Choice Week.
About the Georgia Public Policy Foundation: The Foundation, established in 1991, is an independent, state-focused think tank that proposes market-oriented approaches to public policy to improve the lives of Georgians. The Foundation’s regular events include Leadership Breakfasts and Policy Briefing Luncheons. Weekly publications are the Friday Facts and Friday Idea commentaries. Visit to read about innovative solutions to the state’s challenges or to watch streaming online video of Foundation events. Join the Foundation’s Facebook page or follow us on Twitter at
Dear friend,
It’s a busy time of year and we understand you have celebrations and resolutions to finalize!
With that in mind, we’re forgoing our popular Friday Facts to bring you an early release: As 2014 winds down, we’ve taken a look back at the year’s informative commentaries, videos, tweets and Facebook shares from the Georgia Public Policy Foundation. Here, for your reviewing pleasure, is a countdown of our Top 10 most popular works and Top 10 videos.
10. Atlanta’s Icy Logjam a Beacon of Hope for The Future
9. Concierge Primary Care for the Little Guy!
8. Getting Smart on Crime Puts Georgia Ahead
7. Nine Reasons to Question Medicaid Expansion
6. Hundreds Lose Their Georgia Tax Credit Scholarships
5. Guide to the Issues: A Patient-Centered Approach to the Uninsured
4. Guide to the Issues: Common Core
3. Analyzing Education Spending
2. The Truth Behind the ‘Staffing Surge’ in Georgia Public Schools
1. Georgia Public Policy Foundation Friday Facts
10. Great American Achievers: Sunny Park
9. Great American Achievers: Noel Khalil
8. Great American Achievers: Lisa Kelly
7. How did Georgia Tech Create A $7,000 Master’s Degree?
6. Getting Georgia Moving: Baruch Feigenbaum
5. Getting Georgia Moving: Kelly McCutchen
4. Gordon Beckham’s Tribute to Hank McCamish, Founder of the Georgia Public Policy Foundation
3. HB1: Private Citizen Leo Payne
2. Moise Brutus: His Inspirational Comeback Story
1. Larry Reed: “The Seven Principles of Sound Public Policy”
What do you think? What were your favorites? Share them with us at or on our Facebook page, at
As always, the Georgia Public Policy Foundation would like to thank you for your support and wish you a happy and prosperous New Year!
Kelly McCutchen and Benita Dodd
P.S: We look forward to seeing you on January 21, 2015, at our first Leadership Breakfast, “School Choice: The Next Frontier,” to celebrate National School Choice Week.
About the Georgia Public Policy Foundation: The Foundation, established in 1991, is an independent, state-focused think tank that proposes market-oriented approaches to public policy to improve the lives of Georgians. The Foundation’s regular events include Leadership Breakfasts and Policy Briefing Luncheons. Weekly publications are the Friday Facts and Friday Idea commentaries. Visit to read about innovative solutions to the state’s challenges or to watch streaming online video of Foundation events. Join the Foundation’s Facebook page or follow us on Twitter at