Friday Facts: May 5, 2023

Monica O’Neal is lucky to be alive. 

After enduring months of excruciating pain, the retired Atlanta grandmother visited her doctor, who determined she had a tumor in her spine.

Her doctor recommended that a neurologist perform surgery immediately, but Monica lost access when her primary care provider closed its doors. Despite having good health insurance, Monica could not find a neurologist to operate on her. Meanwhile, her health continued to deteriorate. She was in constant pain and could no longer sleep.

Fortunately, her daughter drove her to an emergency room across the city that scheduled surgery. According to Monica’s doctor, her situation is one all Georgians are susceptible to due to regulations that can prevent hospitals and even surgery centers from opening.

The Georgia Public Policy Foundation recently released a study of Certificate of Need (CON) laws. It analyzes the history, the rationale and the effects of CON. Not just on Monica, but all Georgians. 

Friday’s Freshest

Government regulations a costly barrier to home construction

Just as it’s clear we aren’t building enough homes, it’s clear that government regulations impose a costly barrier on construction. The two are unquestionably linked. The only question is how long Georgians will tolerate our elected officials talking about addressing this problem while acting in ways that make it worse.

📺 WATCH: What’s driving Georgia’s housing affordability issues?

Georgia’s CON laws reduce access to healthcare

The question of whether Certificate of Need regulations live up to their promise to ensure an adequate supply of healthcare services is one of the issue’s most studied aspects, and it produces some of the most lopsided results. CON is a proven barrier to healthcare access.

Certain Atlanta artists get massive government funding 

City of Atlanta officials award the money through their Creative Industries Grant Fund. The Fund started in 2017 as a loan program. Atlanta officials later converted it to a grant initiative to help artists recover from the economic effects of COVID-19, which in 2023 is far less of a threat than it was in 2020 or 2021.

Seth Dillon speaks at the Georgia Freedom Dinner

As the head of one of the nation’s largest satire sites, Seth’s speech focused on how we handle truth, reality and reason – and why this is one of the biggest issues we face as a country.

📺 WATCH: Seth Dillon live

The Latest


Kemp signs six workplace bills

Gov. Brian Kemp signed multiple bills this week that he said will “help us further connect Georgians with lifelong opportunity and build that workforce of tomorrow.” This includes a measure to eliminate college degree requirements for some state government jobs and a new law that will recognize most out-of-state occupational licenses. 

Georgia begins issuing second year of income tax refunds

The first of a projected $1 billion of state income tax refunds have been issued this week. The plan gives a refund of up to $250 to single filers, up to $375 to single adults who head a household with dependents and up to $500 to married couples filing jointly.

IRS data shows more taxpayers moving to Georgia

Georgia had more taxpayers move to the state than out of it between 2020 and 2021, new IRS data reveals. Federal tax forms filed in 2021 show Georgia welcomed 282,626 taxpayers and dependents. Conversely, 227,888 Georgians relocated elsewhere.


Eighth-graders’ history, civics test scores hit record low

Eighth-graders’ test scores in U.S. history and civics fell to the lowest levels on record last year, according to Education Department data released this week. This was the first release since the beginning of the pandemic, and it shows a reverse of gains made since the 1990s.

Georgia hosts hybrid schooling conference

The National Hybrid School Conference was recently held in Atlanta, showcasing the many varieties and styles of education that are available to students today. 

Teachers union boss joins Fauci in ducking blame for school shutdowns

Being a powerful advocate of draconian COVID responses that hurt Americans means never having to say you’re sorry. We learned that again this week as two of the country’s most well-known policy setters, Dr. Anthony Fauci and Randi Weingarten, were called upon to reckon with what their ideas had wrought.

Government accountability

SCOTUS accepts case that has potential to erode power of federal regulators

The end of Chevron deference? The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a dispute between a group of New Jersey fishermen and the federal government that could decide the much larger issue of whether costly federal regulation has overstretched its legal boundaries.

Georgia mom arrested for letting 14-year-old babysit finally cleared

Melissa Henderson, the Georgia mom handcuffed, arrested, and thrown in jail for having her 14-year-old babysit her younger siblings in the early days of the pandemic, has prevailed in her legal ordeal.


Kemp signs healthcare bills, includes welfare for pregnant Georgia moms

A new law recently signed into law by Gov. Brian Kemp makes pregnant mothers eligible for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funding at the moment of conception. Previously, mothers had to wait for the child to be born before receiving TANF funds. 

South Carolina lawmakers unanimous in repeal of Certificate of Need

Legislation to repeal South Carolina’s CON laws are headed to that state’s governor. The state House unanimously voted to repeal certificate of need regulations for health care facilities earlier this week. The Senate quickly concurred. There were no dissenting votes in either chamber.

Quotes of the Week

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.” – Steve Jobs

“To play a wrong note is insignificant; to play without passion is inexcusable.” – Ludwig van Beethoven

“The house you live in will never fall down, if you pity the stranger who stands at your door.” – Gordon Lightfoot, 1938-2023

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