Lawmakers came back to Atlanta to start the 2023 session on Monday just in time (for many) to travel to Los Angeles to see Georgia win its second consecutive national championship.
While in town, here is what happened.
– Lawmakers quickly got gown to the procedural business that happens when a new legislature is sworn in every other year. House members, as expected, elected Rep. Jon Burns (R-Newington) as Speaker. Burns previously served as Majority Leader.
– In the Senate, Sen. John Kennedy (R-Macon) was elected President Pro Tempore, the chamber’s number two position.
– Gov. Brian Kemp’s second term inaugural was held Thursday. You can watch his inaugural address here. All other statewide office holders were also sworn in Thursday, including Lt. Gov. Burt Jones.
– Lawmakers in both chambers adopted the entire 40 day schedule. Crossover Day, the deadline for bills to clear at least one chamber, is scheduled for March 6. “Sine Die,” the last day of the session, will take place March 29.
– The General Assembly completed four legislative days this week. They will observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day next Monday. Both chambers will return Tuesday for their annual Budget Week, featuring presentations by leaders of various state departments.
Each week during the session we will provide you with an update from the Capitol. You can also read this in our Friday Facts. If you currently do not receive Friday Facts, sign up here.