It’s Friday!
Quotes of note
“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” – Seneca
“To use many words to communicate few thoughts is everywhere the unmistakable sign of mediocrity. To gather much thought into few words stamps the man of genius.” – Arthur Schopenhauer
“When individuals and nations have once got in their heads the abstract concept of full-blown liberty, there is nothing like it in its uncontrollable strength.” – Georg Wilhelm Hegel
On Our Desks
You’re invited! Join us in Atlanta on May 11 for a policy briefing luncheon! We’ll present findings from our latest study examining the regulatory factors behind rising home prices. The events are open to the public, but registration is required.
Ranked: In his weekly column, Kyle Wingfield explores how state economic rankings aren’t just a good indicator of where we are – they should provide motivation for improvement, too.
We’re hiring! Georgia Policy has two open positions: Development Associate and Research Fellow. Each of these roles will help our organization grow – one by helping us raise more money, the other by increasing our capacity to gather and publish information. Both positions are perfect for entry-level candidates, so share them with the liberty-minded recent college graduate, or soon-to-be graduate, in your life.
Hey, Dad… More Americans are borrowing money from friends and family to make ends meet as prices increase, reports Bloomberg. Nationally, between March 30 and April 11 of this year, 25.6 million people borrowed from those close to them, up from 19.2 million a year ago according to the Census Bureau’s Household Pulse surveys. In metro Atlanta there was a 14.9% increase, reflecting the higher-than-average inflation rate in the area. The survey also found that Black Americans and Millennials were borrowing disproportionally more frequently.
Coming up short: Georgia Chamber of Commerce President Chris Clark said the national labor shortage is the biggest hurdle for Georgia’s economy. Clark made his remarks in Savannah as part of a statewide tour to talk about the economic outlook for 2022 and beyond, according to FOX 28. Clark said there is one applicant for every three open jobs in Georgia.
Criminal Justice
LEO support: Governor Brian Kemp has signed seven new bills aimed at supporting law enforcement and toughening penalties for criminals, according to The Center Square. Among the bills’ purposes are the establishment of a gang prosecution unit, stiffer penalties for fleeing from police, allowing prosecutors to charge each act of child molestation as a separate offense, increased support for first responders, and tuition reimbursement for former military members enrolled in law enforcement training.
Government Accountability
Where did I put that? Atlanta is having trouble keeping track of all of its streetlights. In the latest audit, more than 12% of streetlights were not working. Atlanta also is the worst nationally in the time it takes to complete minor streetlight repairs – 30 days, compared to 12 days in second-worst Newark, N.J. Source: Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Maternal mortality: Unless vetoed by Governor Kemp, a new law will take effect July 1 requiring medical examiners to investigate the death of any woman who is either pregnant or dies within one year postpartum, reports Fresh Take Georgia. The state’s maternal mortality rate of 25.1 per 100,000 live births was significantly higher than the national average of 17.1 per 100,000 live births for the years 2015-2017, according to the latest data available. Often, the cause of death is not known or listed in official records, and the new law will require autopsies for deaths without an obvious cause.
Shortage solutions: Governor Kemp signed an executive order to create a 15-person special commission dedicated to finding strategies to alleviate Georgia’s healthcare-worker shortage, reports the Center Square. The commission is due to report its findings by the end of the year.
It’s electric! MARTA is introducing six new electric buses, reports Global Atlanta. Built by New Flyer Industries of Winnipeg, Canada, the first three buses will enter service on May 1, and the remainder will begin operating later this year. They will be charged and maintained at MARTA’s Laredo facility in Decatur.
Policy On The Move
This week, Georgia Policy made waves throughout the state! In Savannah, Director of Policy and Research Chris Denson presented our findings on our latest study on Government Regulations in the Price of a New Home.
Also this week, Governor Kemp invited President and CEO Kyle Wingfield to the signing of Georgia’s new flat tax bill into law. You can read our analysis of what this new bill could mean for your family here.
Have a great weekend.
Kyle Wingfield
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